Festa Rætur/ Growing Roots - Solo Exhibition at Mjólkurbúðin - Salur Myndlistarfélagsins
Gillian Pokalo holds her first solo exhibition at Mjólkurbúðin - Salur Myndlistarfélagsins in Akureyri from 2nd of August through 11th of August, 2024. This exhibition represents the work that she has created during her first year as a resident of Iceland, and reflects on the immigrant’s experience of settling in, setting down roots, and blooming. Merging photography, printmaking, and painting techniques, Gillian’s work begins by photographing and documenting places that are abandoned, and finding in them messages of resilience and transience.
Gillian’s work has been inspired by Iceland’s landscapes and emotive skyscapes ever since her first visit in 2014. What then transpired was a natural acceleration towards the life she now lives here in Akureyri as both an art educator and visual artist: her first trip turned into multiple travel opportunities, followed by artist residencies, teaching workshops, painting murals, and finally leading her to make her home in Akureyri with her husband and his sons. Before moving to Iceland, Gillian maintained an active art career in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA where she was a regularly featured gallery artist, and she was a member of multiple local art organizations, and she is a member of the Professional Artist Network for Speedball, Incorporated, which is a producer of screen printing supplies in the US. Since graduating Moore College of Art & Design in 2005, her work has been in multiple public and private collections in both the USA and Iceland, including 20th Century Fox, Duus Museum in Keflavik, the township of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania and much more. Please visit her CV for a more complete picture of her extensive career. 2. August 1700 - 2000 Opening with light refreshments 3-4 Aug 14-17 9-11 August 14-17 Draumaland
New growth, emerging from the depths, calm in the storm... This piece is acrylic and photo screen print on framed wood panel measuring just about 36 inches wide by 16 inches high. Little House near Straumsvik
Perched at the edge of the sea and very much forgotten, this house is found along a winding and stony on Reykjanes. Perhaps a summer retreat, now its windows and doors shake in the wind. The piece is on cradled hexagonal wood panel, measuring 12 inches in diameter, with acrylic and photo screen print. Höfrungur, Akranes
Sailing days long faded, Höfrungur, or the Dolphin, is a ship perched at the edge of the ocean in Akranes. This piece is on cradled wood panel, measuring 12 inches in diameter, with photo screen print and acrylic. Stóra Hvalsá at Sunset
This house...its colors, its location, its history, continue to draw me closer each time I return to it. In the winter, this far north, sunrises and sunsets blend together in winter and early spring. Coming or going... This piece is on circular cradled wood panel that is 8 inches diameter. Photo screen print and acrylic. Leiru in the Field
Leiru is a house that I return to as often as I can, to capture the changing colors of rust on the corrugated iron. In the middle of a field, at the edge of the sea, it is an old friend. This piece features screen printed wildflowers that are from September here in the north of Iceland. This piece is acrylic and photo screen print on cradled wood panel measuring 12 inches in diameter. |
Gillian Pokalo heldur sina fyrstu einkasýningu í Mjólkurbúðinni - Sal Myndlistarfélagsins á Akureyri frá 2. ágúst til 11 ágúst 2024. Sýningin sýnir verk sem hún hefur skapað á fyrsta ári sinu sem íbúi á Islandi og endurspeglar upplifun innflytjanda að koma sér fyrir, festa rætur, og blómstra. Með því að sameina ljósmynd, prentsmiði, og mála, byrja verk Gillian á því að ljosmynda og skrásetja staði sem eru yfirgefnir og finna í þeim boðskap um seiglu og hverfulleika.
Verk Gillian hafa verið innblásin af landslagi Íslands og tilfinningaríkum himnum allt frá fyrstu heimsókn hennar árið 2014. Það sem gerðist þar var eðlileg hröðun í átt að því lifi sem hún lifir nú hér á Akureyri sem bæði listkennari og myndlistarkona. Fyrsta ferð hennar varð margbætt, ferðamóguleikar, þar á eftir koma listamannavisir, kennslumið, veggmálun, og loksins leiða hana til að búa til heimili sitt á Akureyri með eigninmanni sinum og sonum. Áður en hún flutti til Íslands hélt Gillian virkum listferli í og við Philadelphia í Pennsylvaníu í Bandaríkjunum þar sem hún var regulega þekkt gallerlistakona og var meðimur í mörgum staðbundum listasamtökum og hún er meðlimur í Professional Artist Network fyrir Speedball Incorporated, sem er framleiðandi silkiprentunarvara í Bandaríkjunum. Frá því að hún útskrifaðist frá Moore Colllege of Art Design árið 2005 hafa verk hennar verið í mörgum opinberum og einkasöfnum bæði í Bandarikjunum og á Íslandi, þar á meðal 20th Century Fox, Duus Safn í Keflavík, Phoenixville, Pennsylvianíu og margt fleira. Vinsamlegast farðu á heimasíðu hennar til að fá betri mynd umfangsmiklum ferli hennar. 2. August 17:00-20:00 - Opnun með léttum veitingum 3-4 Aug 14:00-17:00 9-11 August 14-17 |